Estimating accuracy when the reference standard is continuous

 You have been given a datasheet "validity2.csv".

This sheet is part of the the corrected data of a study done in the blood bank AIIMS, Rishikesh.

The study

The study was about the evaluation of two separate point-of-care devices to estimate hemoglobin, which would be useful in donor selection in blood donation camps. The hemoglobin could be tested both on capillary blood after a finger prick or on venous samples. Using a finger prick is more convenient, but we had to check whether using finger prick blood samples for hemoglobin would be accurate enough. Also we decided to check the accuracy of the instruments on venous blood, as a fall back if capillary hemoglobin was not accurate enough. Before routine use, the instruments needed to be validated. In the original study, we checked the accuracy of capillary and venous hemoglobin estimation on two different instruments of two different instrument models (total of four different instruments). We have included here the venous and capillary hemoglobin estimation of two of these instruments. The reference measurement was taken to be the hemoglobin estimated by an automated hematology analyzer (Sysmex XP-100) which was validated  using standard laboratory protocols.

Import the data

ba <- readXL("C:/Users/AIIMS/Desktop/forval2.xlsx", rownames=FALSE, header=TRUE, na="", sheet="Sheet1", stringsAsFactors=TRUE)

The data

The datasheet has five variables

1. cap1: The hemoglobin estimated on capillary finger prick sample on the first Point of care instrument (Hemocue 1)

2. cap2: The hemoglobin estimated on capillary finger prick sample on the second Point of care instrument (Hemocue 2)

3. ven1: The hemoglobin estimated on venous blood sample on the first Point of care instrument (Hemocue 1)

4. ven2: The hemoglobin estimated on venous blood sample on the second Point of care instrument (Hemocue 2)

5: ref: The reference values of hemoglobin as estimated by the reference equipment (Sysmex automated analyzer)


The examples will be shown for the capillary and venous samples for point-of-care device 1. You will be expected to do the analysis on point-of-care device 2 and share your results for evaluation.

Initial Steps

1. What is the question?

What is the accuracy of hemoglobin estimated by Hemocue 1 on capillary and venous samples on prospective blood donors

2. How will it be useful?

If found accurate, the hemocue can not only be used in the present blood bank, but will help other blood banks in providing an easy choice to use the instrument. If not accurate, the various limitations of the instrument or estimation technique need to be discussed, which will again provide guidance to other blood banks.

How will we go about measuring the accuracy?

We have to have an idea of how accurate is "accurate enough". According to CLIA standards, the acceptable error for hemoglobin is 7% at the critical point (Taken to be hemoglobin of 12.5 g/dL for blood donors-below this you should not donate).

Error: Difference between index test and reference test.

Therefore the acceptable error should be below a hemoglobin within 7% of 12.5=0.875g/dL of the value reported by the reference method.

The acceptable error depends on the standards adopted. There may be stricter or more lenient guidelines for acceptable error and depends on the setting, or it may be done on the basis of subjective judgment. However, the acceptable error should be justifiable.

Any statistical analysis has the following steps:

1. Describe

2. Visualize

3. Test

4. Infer

5. Discuss the generalizability

But before that:

What type of variable is the index test?


What type of variable is the reference test?



Use the numerical summary of the variables.

Mean, Median, Quartiles, Minimum, Maximum for the variable

Standard deviation, Interquartile range and range for the variation


#####Numerical summaries#####

res <- numSummary2(ba[,c("cap1", "cap2", "ref", "ven1", "ven2")], statistics=c("mean", "", "quantiles"), quantiles=c(0,.25,.5,.75,1))


colnames(res$table) <- gettext(domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.EZR", colnames(res$table))



##                  mean   0%   25%   50%    75% 100%   n NA

## cap1 15.00351 1.353298 11.2 14.20 15.00 15.800 18.1  57 57

## cap2 14.64364 1.143057 12.3 13.85 14.70 15.400 17.2  55 59

## ref  15.48158 1.267467 10.8 14.90 15.60 16.375 18.5 114  0

## ven1 15.69474 1.295659 10.9 15.05 15.90 16.600 18.0 114  0

## ven2 15.33947 1.355723 10.1 14.65 15.55 16.200 17.8 114  0 corrected standard deviation, 0% : Minimum, 25%: First quartile, 50%: Median, it is the second quartile, 75%: Third quartile, 100%: Maximum, n=number of measurements, NA: Missing data



Click on the “graphs and tables” in the menu. You will be able to do the histogram, boxplot, scatterplot and quantile comparison plot via this part of the menu



HistEZR(ba$cap1, scale="frequency", breaks="scott", xlab="cap1",   col="darkgray")


## 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 16-17 17-18 18-19

##     1     4     8    16    15    10     2     1

These represent the widths of the histogram bars (categories)and the number of observations in each category


 For boxplot it is advisable to set the whisker range as 1Q-1.5*IQR to 3Q+1.5*IQR (IQR=Interquartile range. This is a default in base R


boxplot(ba$cap1[complete.cases(ba$cap1)], ylab="cap1")



HistEZR(ba$ven1, scale="frequency", breaks="scott", xlab="ven1",   col="darkgray")


## 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 16-17 17-18

##     1     1     4     7    16    37    39     9


boxplot(ba$ven1[complete.cases(ba$ven1)], ylab="ven1")



HistEZR(ba$ref, scale="frequency", breaks="scott", xlab="ref",   col="darkgray")


## 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 16-17 17-18 18-19

##     1     1     3     8    22    41    30     6     2


boxplot(ba$ref[complete.cases(ba$ref)], ylab="ref")


Visualization is important since it gives an idea of the shape of the distribution and also gives an idea about any potential outliers.

Other methods to visualize continuous data

1. Density plots

2. Violin plots

3. Dot plots

Visualize the relationship between the variables of interest

#####Scatterplot: Reference test as x-variable, index as y-variable#####

scatterplot(cap1~ref, regLine=FALSE, smooth=FALSE, boxplots='xy', data=ba)



scatterplot(ven1~ref, regLine=FALSE, smooth=FALSE, boxplots='xy', data=ba)


Looking at the scatterplot itself, we can see that the points for capillary estimation show a greater scatter, representing greter difference from the reference, and therefore, greater error

We are to a large extent dealing with the difference between the index test and reference test, so describe and visualize the difference also.

#####Create new variable representing the difference between index test and reference: Capillary blood#####

ba$cap1ref <- with(ba, cap1- ref)

#New variable cap1ref was made.

#####Create new variable representing the difference between index test and reference: Venous blood#####

ba$ven1ref <- with(ba, ven1- ref)

#New variable ven1ref was made.



HistEZR(ba$cap1ref, scale="frequency", breaks="scott", xlab="cap1ref",   col="darkgray")


## -2.5--2 -2--1.5 -1.5--1 -1--0.5  -0.5-0   0-0.5   0.5-1   1-1.5

##       4       4       6      13      18       9       2       1



HistEZR(ba$ven1ref, scale="frequency", breaks="scott", xlab="ven1ref",   col="darkgray")


The difference between venous measurement and hemoglobin and reference shows a left skew and a possible outlier on the lower side. We decided to keep it nonetheless.

Whether the data can be adequately be described by a Gaussian distribution can be checked by a qq-plot

In a qq-plot, the points should be approximately on a straight line (A perfect Gaussian distribution probably does not exist in nature)


#####Quantile-comparison plot#####


qqPlot(ba$cap1ref, dist="norm")


The points in the quantile comparison plot for the differences between the capillary method and the reference seems to be roughly linear. A long pencil would cover all the points if laid on the graph. This shows that the the data approximately may be treated as following a Gaussian distribution. There is a mild deviation in the linearity at the lower end, but I would not be too concerned about it since we are dealing with a moderately large sample size. Real life data are rarely perfect.

#####Quantile-comparison plot#####

qqPlot(ba$ven1ref, dist="norm")


The quantile comparison plot is linear in the central and top-left portions, but a marked deviation at the lower end. We should be more careful about assuming approximate Gaussian distribution. The skewed distribution we saw earlier will inflate the standard deviation. We still used the assumption of Normality in this case because, as we will see later, the spread  and limits of agreement, which depend on the standard deviation, still fall within acceptable limits inspite of the increased standard deviation.

Also, the sample size is reasonably high. At high sample sizes, inferences about the mean of a variable still hold due to what is known as the central limit theorem.

 #####Numerical summaries#####

res <- numSummary2(ba[,c("cap1ref", "ven1ref")], statistics=c("mean",  "", "quantiles"), quantiles=c(0,.25,.5,.75,1))

colnames(res$table) <- gettext(domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.EZR",



##                    mean   0%  25%  50%  75% 100%   n NA

## cap1ref -0.5280702 0.7523189 -2.4 -0.9 -0.4 -0.1  1.1  57 57

## ven1ref  0.2131579 0.2826903 -0.9  0.1  0.2  0.4  0.8 114  0

Realize what the mean and standard deviation means.


95% of the differences between capillary hemoglobin estimation by Hemocue1 and the reference  will be between mean +1.96SD and mean -1.96SD.

Mean +1.96SD of the difference  is higher than 0.875 and mean -1.96 SD is far lower than -0.875, i.e. the instrument will give unacceptable results more than 5% of the time. Is that good enough.I would say no

Do the same for the venous method on instrument 1

 The absolute value of the Mean of the difference +1.96 S.D. of the difference as well as Mean of the difference - 1.96 S.D. of the difference is below 0.875. In fact, Mean +-3.SD of the difference has an absolute value lesser than the acceptable error of 0.875. This method is likely to be sufficiently accrate for our purpose, IMO.

These limits Mean+1.96 SD. of the difference and mean -1.96 S.D of the difference are known as the Bland Altman limits of agreement

Are just these limits sufficient?

1. You should plot the data to see whether the variation in the difference is constant over the measured range of values.

2. You should calculate the 95% C.I. of these limits. In order to justify accuracy at the 5% level, the C.I. should entirely lie within the acceptable accuracy.


The scatterplot with the difference on the y-axis and the average of the measurements per subject, along with the mean difference (bias) and the limits of agreement represented is known as the Bland Altman plot


For this we have to create a new variable representing the average value of the index test and the reference test

#####Create new variable#####

ba$cap1refavg <- with(ba, (cap1+ ref)/2)

#New variable cap1refavg was made.

#####Create new variable#####

ba$ven1refavg <- with(ba, (ven1+ ref)/2)

#New variable ven1refavg was made.



scatterplot(cap1ref~cap1refavg, regLine=FALSE, smooth=FALSE, boxplots=FALSE,   data=ba)

abline(h=mean(ba$cap1ref, na.rm=TRUE))

abline(h=mean(ba$cap1ref, na.rm=TRUE)+1.96*sd(ba$cap1ref, na.rm=TRUE))

abline(h=mean(ba$cap1ref, na.rm=TRUE)-1.96*sd(ba$cap1ref, na.rm=TRUE))


The differences need to distributed with a uniform width along the x-axis. The above graph seems to be reasonably satisfactory for inference. Note that the limits of agreement are beyond the limits set for acceptable difference, which we set to be 0.875 g/dL at the beginning of the experiment. This represents poor accuracy.



scatterplot(ven1ref~ven1refavg, regLine=FALSE, smooth=FALSE, boxplots=FALSE, data=ba)

abline(h=mean(ba$ven1ref, na.rm=TRUE))

abline(h=mean(ba$ven1ref, na.rm=TRUE)+1.96*sd(ba$ven1ref, na.rm=TRUE))

abline(h=mean(ba$ven1ref, na.rm=TRUE)-1.96*sd(ba$ven1ref, na.rm=TRUE))


The above graph also seems to be reasonably satisfactory.Note that the limits of agreement are within the limits set for acceptable difference, which we set to be 0.875 g/dL at the beginning of the experiment. This represents good accuracy.


Let us look at the limits of agreement again

mean(ba$cap1ref, na.rm=TRUE)+1.96*sd(ba$cap1ref, na.rm=TRUE)

## [1] 0.9464748

mean(ba$cap1ref, na.rm=TRUE)-1.96*sd(ba$cap1ref, na.rm=TRUE)

## [1] -2.002615

mean(ba$ven1ref, na.rm=TRUE)+1.96*sd(ba$ven1ref, na.rm=TRUE)

## [1] 0.767231

mean(ba$ven1ref, na.rm=TRUE)-1.96*sd(ba$ven1ref, na.rm=TRUE)

## [1] -0.3409152

For comparing the accuracy of these two methods, we may set the y-axis to have similar scale. A narrower limit of agreement is better. We can visualize that the accuracy of the venous method is better.



For finding the confidence intervals, we have to make use of a specialized package in R and use the command line (sorry)

Type the following command to install a package


Load the package


For capillary method

Use the following command:

blandr.output.text(ba$cap1, ba$ref, sig.level = 0.95)

##We had imported the datasheet under the name ba

The important parts of the results below have been bolded.

## Number of comparisons:  57

## Maximum value for average measures:  17.9

## Minimum value for average measures:  11.4

## Maximum value for difference in measures:  1.1

## Minimum value for difference in measures:  -2.4


## Bias:  -0.5280702

## Standard deviation of bias:  0.7523189


## Standard error of bias:  0.09964707

## Standard error for limits of agreement:  0.1712953


## Bias:  -0.5280702

## Bias- upper 95% CI:  -0.3284531

## Bias- lower 95% CI:  -0.7276872


## Upper limit of agreement:  0.9464748

## Upper LOA- upper 95% CI:  1.28962

## Upper LOA- lower 95% CI:  0.6033292


## Lower limit of agreement:  -2.002615

## Lower LOA- upper 95% CI:  -1.65947

## Lower LOA- lower 95% CI:  -2.345761


## Derived measures: 

## Mean of differences/means:  -3.521315

## Point estimate of bias as proportion of lowest average:  -4.632195

## Point estimate of bias as proportion of highest average -2.950113

## Spread of data between lower and upper LoAs:  2.94909

## Bias as proportion of LoA spread:  -17.90621


## Bias:

##  -0.5280702  ( -0.7276872  to  -0.3284531 )

## ULoA:

##  0.9464748  ( 0.6033292  to  1.28962 )

## LLoA:

##  -2.002615  ( -2.345761  to  -1.65947 )


For venous method:

Use the following command

blandr.output.text(ba$ven1, ba$ref, sig.level = 0.95)

## Number of comparisons:  114

## Maximum value for average measures:  18.1

## Minimum value for average measures:  10.85

## Maximum value for difference in measures:  0.8

## Minimum value for difference in measures:  -0.9


## Bias:  0.2131579

## Standard deviation of bias:  0.2826903


## Standard error of bias:  0.02647638

## Standard error for limits of agreement:  0.04537998


## Bias:  0.2131579

## Bias- upper 95% CI:  0.2656124

## Bias- lower 95% CI:  0.1607034


## Upper limit of agreement:  0.767231

## Upper LOA- upper 95% CI:  0.8571369

## Upper LOA- lower 95% CI:  0.6773251


## Lower limit of agreement:  -0.3409152

## Lower LOA- upper 95% CI:  -0.2510093

## Lower LOA- lower 95% CI:  -0.4308211


## Derived measures: 

## Mean of differences/means:  1.355775

## Point estimate of bias as proportion of lowest average:  1.964589

## Point estimate of bias as proportion of highest average 1.177668

## Spread of data between lower and upper LoAs:  1.108146

## Bias as proportion of LoA spread:  19.23554


## Bias:

##  0.2131579  ( 0.1607034  to  0.2656124 )

## ULoA:

##  0.767231  ( 0.6773251  to  0.8571369 )

## LLoA:

##  -0.3409152  ( -0.4308211  to  -0.2510093 )

For the venous method, the bias is lesser. We also note that the Confidence intervals of the limits of agreement all lie within the interval 0.875 and -0.875, represent maximum acceptable error.

We can incorporate the entire confidence intervals in the Bland-Altman plot, as well as represent the maximum acceptable error. In the examples below, the maximum acceptable errors are represented by a red solid line. As we will see below, for the capillary method, plenty of measurements as well as the limits fall outside the acceptable line. For venous method they do not. 

blandr.draw(ba$cap1, ba$ref, method1name = "Capillary1",

method2name = "Reference", lowest_y_axis = -2.5, highest_y_axis = 1.2, point_size = 0.8, plotter = "rplot")

abline(h=0.875, col="red")

abline(h=-0.875, col="red")


blandr.draw(ba$ven1, ba$ref, method1name = "Venous1", method2name = "Reference",  point_size = 0.8, plotter = "rplot")

abline(h=0.875, col="red")

abline(h=-0.875, col="red")




The capillary method for estimating hemoglobin via Hemocue performs poorly, but not the venous method. This is generalizable to only blood donors.
